Common Cause caught faking benefits of ‘clean elections’ in Connecticut

Center for Competitive Politics:
"Self-styled ‘reform' group Common Cause today is excitedly pushing the story that because Connecticut adopted a system of tax-financed political campaigns, legislation they favor was able to pass the Connecticut General Assembly. From their release:

Lobbyists lose to Connecticut ‘Clean Elections'

As noted in the New York Times: 'In a year when conservative politics have dominated even traditionally Democratic states like New Jersey and New York, Connecticut is closing out its most activist, liberal legislative session in memory...'

Connecticut has passed a sweeping energy bill that modernizes the state's energy regulatory structure, and will lower electricity rates for consumers, and help expand the Clean Energy fund and provide rebates that encourage energy efficiency, solar energy and electric vehicles.
In addition, CT is the first state to mandate paid sick leave for businesses with more than 50 workers..."