Utah Redistricting: FairVote mistakenly thinks Super-Districts are Superior

This is a terrible idea.  Four Super Districts?
FairVote.org: "Is there a way to circumnavigate partisan gerrymandering and ensure our democracy works by counting every vote equal, despite the location of voters? Yes. Many problems created by the current system (such as gerrymandering, discouraged voters, and an iron-clad two-party system) can be solved by turning all of Utah into a 4-seat super-district utilizing a proportional voting system such as choice voting or cumulative voting. The map of the super-district would look as follows.

Super District Map of Utah
Current District Map of Utah

If Utah was to be transformed into a single super-district, the effects of gerrymandering would be eliminated because scattered support can elect a representative if votes are concentrated into a single candidate. The state as a whole would simply elect four representatives. Also, population shifts wouldn't distort representation because all votes will be equal,no matter where the voter lives within the state. For example, a voter who lives in the South-East of the state can vote for a candidate in the North-West of the state, a feat that would be impossible in a first-past-the-post system."