Herdt: Count on it — an earthquake on June 10 for CA incumbents

Ventura County Star Mobile:
"With May 21 having come and gone, and all of us still being here on Earth and all, perhaps this is not the best time to be making another prediction about a coming cataclysmic event. But here goes: On June 10 in California, there will be an earthquake.

Don't bother running out for batteries and bottled water, however. To be sure, this earthquake will change California's geography in significant ways, but the shaking will be political, not geologic.

June 10 — two weeks from Friday — is the day the Citizens Redistricting Commission is scheduled to release its draft proposals for new legislative and congressional districts. It will be the day when the realization fully hits the political class that a decade of safe, partisan-protected politics has come to an end.

There are observers from both parties who believe that June 10 will be a red-letter day for Democrats. Among them is Democratic strategist Garry South, who told me last week that after the independent commission follows its guidelines for crafting compact districts that largely keep communities intact, a number of districts that have been safely Republican for a decade will no longer be so."