College Bowl System Draws Beltway Adversary

They are not just producing attack ads; they are also going after the bowls’ finances. In complaints to the Internal Revenue Service, they have raised questions involving three of the four bowls that make up the five-game Bowl Championship Series about interest-free loans, high salaries, lobbying payments and lavish perks for some bowl executives. They have also made accusations about illegal campaign contributions.

Most recently, Playoff PAC described to the I.R.S. an all-expenses-paid Caribbean cruise that the Orange Bowl hosted for 40 athletic directors and conference commissioners, and their spouses, although it appears no business meetings were scheduled during the trip.

“They are using these tax-exempt entities as their own private fiefdoms,” said Matthew Sanderson, a founder of Playoff PAC."

Nonprofit organizations like those that operate the bowls are banned from donating to political campaigns and they must declare any lobbying payments on federal tax returns. Excessive salaries or perks could be seen as using charitable funds to enrich private individuals. If the I.R.S. finds wrongdoing, the bowls can be fined or have their nonprofit status revoked. A spokeswoman for the I.R.S. declined to comment, saying that the agency does not comment on taxpayer information.

Fascinating approach to go after the BCS. I love it. Way to use your disgruntled fan ire for something productive AND campaign finance related.