2010 Poll Findings that Will Matter in 2011

Pew Research Center:
"On issues ranging from the rising power of China to the desirability of bipartisan cooperation and the outlook for the nation's future, Americans expressed views over the course of the past year that are likely to have consequences for the future course of U.S. policy and governance.

Doing Better: Blacks' assessments about the state of black progress in America have improved more dramatically than at any time in the last quarter century. (January 2010)

We're Beholden: Most Americans identify China as the foreign country holding the most U.S. government debt and most know that the United States imports two-thirds of the oil it consumes. (January 2010)

Nothing in It for Me: In assessing the personal impact of health care legislation, relatively few say they expect their insurance coverage to improve should the measure become law. (January 2010)"