Republican Hedges His Bets by Targeting House Seats in 4 States

To make a fascinating story short, what he amply manifests in ego and aspiration he totally lacks in political acumen. He doesn’t stand a chance in Minnesota, Michigan, Hawaii or Georgia, where he’s actually lived for the past three decades.

But his simultaneous quests, which he claims make him unique in American history, appear legally legit. The Constitution only requires that a representative, “when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen,” and Levene promises to quickly establish legal residency wherever he wins his first Republican primary. Federal Election Commission rules say candidates may seek multiple offices so long as they set up “completely separate” committees for each campaign, which Levene is in the process of doing. And he says no election officials in the four states have raised impediments.
Republican Hedges His Bets by Targeting House Seats in 4 States | Hawkings Here