The Federal Election Commission has fined the 2008 presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., $80,000 for campaign finance violations. The commission reached a conciliation agreement with John McCain 2008 Inc., the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund Inc. and John Schmuckler, the treasurer of both. The agreement states John McCain 2008 Inc. violated the law by accepting $377,657 in contributions that exceeded the limits of the Act; failed to report correctly the original dates on which $22,257,684 in contributions were received by its joint fundraising representatives; and failed to correctly report re-designations made to the compliance fund. The McCain Compliance Fund Inc. failed to file 48-hour disclosure notices for 169 contributions totaling $240,700 that it received prior to the general election. The fund also failed to correctly report the original dates on which contributions were received by joint fundraising representatives.
FEC Fines McCain Presidential Campaign $80,000 | Political MoneyLine Blog