Rules Be Damned - Trevor Potter Interview
"NJ What has it been like being Stephen Colbert’s attorney?
POTTER It has definitely given me a level of visibility I have not had before. I’m always asked to characterize why he is doing this. He can speak for himself. But I was willing to spend my time doing this because there are a lot of developments in campaign finance law, starting last year at the Supreme Court with Citizens United, and at the FEC, and I think they’re really important subjects for the future of democracy. And to have a popular television show talk about them is educational.
NJ What would you like to see result from this?
POTTER Well, first of all, people refer to the “campaign finance system.” We don’t have a system. We have an accidental conglomeration of laws and court decisions and FEC decisions that have resulted in a campaign finance world that wasn’t designed in any coherent way."