What I learned at the NH Debate

Mitt Romney for President:
"John King of CNN asked all the participants in Monday’s GOP debate in NH a final question, “What did you learn during the debate tonight?” I thought the candidates’ answers were for the most part pretty revealing about who they were as candidates. I loved the fact that my Dad managed to answer the question but still focus on his desire to fix the economy, tackle the debt, and create private sector jobs. For kicks, I thought I would make a quick list of the 8 things I learned during the debate:

My Dad really knows how to talk about fixing the ailing economy.
Michele Bachmann raised 23 foster children.
Ron Paul really doesn’t like the Federal Reserve.
The press wants the GOP nomination process to get nasty.
Newt Gingrich knows a lot about a lot
Herman Cain is a smart guy.
Tim Pawlenty is heading in the right direction.
The Democrats are worried."