Early Analysis: Impact of Redistricting in San Diego County @RonNehring

Ron Nehring:
"CONGRESS. North San Diego County will be represented by Rep. Darrell Issa and, now, Rep. Duncan Hunter, whose new district comes substantially westward, coming down SR-78 about half way between Escondido and Oceanside. These are solidly Republican districts and these two men will be in Congress for the next ten years, if they want to be. Map + Demographics: Issa District

Rep. Brian Bilbray’s seat moves south and becomes more competitive as it takes in some more liberal coastal regions than before. However, these regions are also heavy with Republican donors and I expect Brian’s first class fundraising team led by Karolyn Dorsee will do excellent work ensuring Brian has the support he needs for another term in the House. City of San Diego voters are well familiar with Brian, who represented them between 1995 and 2001. Map + Demographics: Bilbray District"