Rick Hasen's thoughts on Federal District Court holding that Ban on Direct Corporate Contributions to Candidates is Unconstitutional

Federal District Court, in Criminal Case, Holds That Ban on Direct Corporate Contributions to Candidates is Unconstitutional under Citizens United | Election Law Blog:
"I would expect this decision not to stand, or at least to be reconsidered by the judge. The United States Supreme Court in FEC v. Beaumont upheld a ban on corporate contributions in the case of FEC v. Beaumont, and the lower courts that have considered this question have all held that Citizens United did not overrule Beaumont on this question. The most recent case so holding is the Eighth Circuit’s opinion in MCCL v. Swanson, which I noted on the blog on May 16. (The district court in Danielczyk cites to the district court opinion in Swanson and seems unaware of the more recent opinion on appeal.) [Disclosure: I have a case pending in the 9th Circuit City of San Diego case, currently awaiting decision, raising a similar issue. The trial court agreed with the City that the city's ban on entity contributions to candidates was likely constitutional.]"