FEC Falls Short on Enforcement, Commish Weintraub says... worse than "feckless"?

Maybe instead of feckless the FEC is now cool as a result of the Colbert Bump?

FEC Falls Short on Enforcement, Commissioner Says : Roll Call Politics:
From fiscal 2006 to 2010, the average fine levied against campaigns, parties and political action committees for violating campaign finance law dropped from $180,000 to $42,000, Weintraub said. Similarly, the number of conciliation agreements, deals on penalties hammered out between the FEC and those under investigation, fell from 91 in fiscal 2007 to 29 in fiscal 2010, which Weintraub called a “pretty sharp drop.”
Back in ’06 and ’07, they said we were ‘feckless’ and ‘toothless,’” she said. “I am not sure what the adjective would be today.”