RNC Race Focusing On Finances

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"The voting members of the Republican National Committee are spending the final week before electing a chairman on Friday debating each candidate's fundraising prowess, a recognition that the next national party chairman will have to spend most of his or her time dialing for dollars and rebuilding a cash-poor committee.

And the conversation is turning nasty. Each candidate's supporters are delving into rivals' fundraising performance in hopes of dredging up material that would raise doubts in voters' minds.

At the moment, front-running contender Reince Priebus is taking the most heat, spurred by an analysis of his track record by conservative blogger Dan Riehl. Last Friday, Riehl chastised Priebus for touting having raised $14 million in personal contributions during his tenure as chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party -- something Priebus supporter Henry Barbour has claimed in an email. Nine million dollars of that money, Riehl found, came from direct transfers from the RNC itself."