California budget: How Jerry Brown's budget will affect programs and services
"In May 2009, voters rejected a two-year extension of the same taxes in a special election called by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Brown wants to ask that they reconsider.

The sales and vehicle taxes would approximately equal the cost of many services that Brown hopes to shift to cities and counties. The money raised from the higher income taxes would preserve $2 billion for schools.

Brown also called for a change in corporate tax law that would generate $942 million for the state, mostly by raising taxes on businesses whose headquarters are outside California. Brown's budget contains no plan to take the business tax hikes to voters.

The governor would also eliminate 'enterprise zone' tax credits, which corporations can use to hire employees in or from blighted areas, saving the state $581 million annually.

If voters rejected the tax increases, Brown said, billions more would have to be cut from the budget."