Idaho G.O.P. Seeks to Close Open Primaries
"In one of the reddest of red states, the state Republican Party is pushing to prevent independents, Democrats and others from voting in its primaries. Republican primaries in Idaho have been open for a century, but the party has filed a federal suit that would close them to voters who are not registered Republicans.

Legislative leaders have also said they will pursue a bill this session to prevent Democrats from so-called crossover voting.

Who is on the other side of the fight? Other Republicans. This is, after all, Idaho.

“I don’t believe the Republican Party in Idaho has suffered here under an open primary,” said Ben Ysursa, the Idaho secretary of state, who has been put in the awkward position of defending the state against his own party.

Mr. Ysursa opposed legislative efforts to close the primaries in 2007 and says closed primaries run counter to Idaho’s historic political independence."