Huntsman open to a 2012 run? And Romney is "most electable"

MSNBC First Read:
"HUNTSMAN: Republican Jon Huntsman, the former Utah governor currently serving as President Obama's ambassador to China, suggested in an interview to Newsweek that he is open to a 2012 presidential run. “You know, I’m really focused on what we’re doing in our current position,” he said. “But we won’t do this forever, and I think we may have one final run left in our bones.” And: 'Asked whether he is prepared to rule out a run in 2012 (since it would require him to campaign against his current boss), he declines to comment.'
More: '[S]ources close to Huntsman (who requested anonymity to speak freely without his permission) say that during his December trip to the U.S., he met with several former political advisers in Washington and Salt Lake City to discuss a potential campaign. 'I’m not saying he’s running,' says one supporter who has worked with him in the past. 'But we’re a fire squad; if he says the word, we can get things going fast.''"

ROMNEY: On NBC's Meet the Press, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he thinks "Probably [Mitt] Romney" is "the most electable conservative. He's got his problems as a candidate, but so does everyone else."