The Fix's 11 big questions for 2011 -- What do Huckabee and Palin do?

Washington Post:
"What do Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin do?

There is more intrigue about whether these two candidates will run than anyone else. For Palin, it's because ... well ... she's Sarah Palin. And for Huckabee, it's because it looks as if he and Palin might hurt each other if they get into the same race. Both are sending signals that they are inching toward running for president, but it doesn't appear to be a done deal for either of them yet. Both would be formidable in their own right, but do they kneecap each other?

Who leads the Republican National Committee?

The only race more wide open than the GOP presidential primaries might be the race to see who leads the party during the ensuing presidential campaign. Current Chairman Michael Steele is running for reelection but looks to be a long shot. Keep an eye on Wisconsin GOP Chairman Reince Priebus, former Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis and former RNC co-chair Ann Wagner. This race is among the hardest to handicap (our attempt is here), though, so expect the unexpected next month when the 168-member RNC picks its new leader."