California -- the big political story of the year...

Capitol Weekly: Looking back:
"But from first to last, the big political story of the year was the dramatic election of a governor who had been governor twice before, who had left office the first time around embattled and excoriated and returns 28 years later to take the oath again. In the U.S. Senate race, incumbent Barbara Boxer won a a fourth term -- with relative ease, despite the predictions.

The grouchy, ambitious and relentless Jerry Brown – a cheapskate by his own admission -- defeated billionaire Meg Whitman, despite her $160 million spending spree that broke national records and blanketed the airwaves for months with campaign ads that dulled even the most fervid TV watcher. In the end, he outmaneuvered her, nearly matched her spending late in the campaign and engaged with voters in a way that clearly eluded Whitman. His double-digit victory wasn’t a landslide or even a mandate -- but it was decisive."