Some key findings from the report include:
In 2014, 33 states introduced bills that could help make voting more accessible for eligible Americans; only eight states passed beneficial new laws or resolutions, however.
Early voting, one of the key reforms recommended by the PCEA, was proposed in seven states; only two states (MA and MO) passed bills into law.
Eleven states introduced legislation to implement online registration, another of the PCEA’s recommendations, with bills passing in MA, MN, and NE.
Twelve states proposed same-day registration policies, to allow an eligible citizen to register and cast a ballot at the same time, but only Hawaii passed a new law.
Twenty states introduced more restrictive voting bills, and six passed laws that will make it harder for Americans to vote. These include cutbacks to early voting in Wisconsin and Ohio.
Partisan lawmakers continue to push strict voter ID laws, with 11 states proposing new photo ID requirements. None of these passed in 2014, but legal battles continue in NC and TX, and WI reinstated its controversial law just in time for the November election.
Source: What Kind of Year Has It Been for Election Laws?