Nancy French: Army Wife Campaigning For A Yankee In Tennessee

Excerpt from @NancyAFrench's new book -- "Home and Away" details her adventures gathering signatures for Mitt Romney in Tennessee during the '08 cycle in Fred Thompson's backyard. Warning: reading this excerpt may make you choke up.

Poor Nancy! She never complained once -- she just sent us the signatures and coordinated everything flawlessly. We couldn't have gotten on the ballot in Tennessee without her!  If this story isn't a reason for ballot access reform, I don't know what is. 

DooDilly’s - Nancy French - National Review Online:

"I had to convince Tennessee voters to sign their name on behalf of a Yankee governor from Massachusetts, whom they’d never heard of, and by the way, a Mormon. And to support Mitt, they’d essentially have to turn their backs on the drawling, pickup-truck-driving Tennessean who was running (strolling, really) for the same office — a man whose fans proudly slapped bumper stickers on their Ford F-150s declaring, “Proud to be a Fredneck.”"