Controversial 'Cash B*tch' Ad Leaves Turn Right USA Super PAC $8K In Debt

"Donors didn't exactly throw money at the political action committee behind an offensive campaign video that featured 'gangsters' tossing cash at a stripper portraying Rep. Janice Hahn (D-CA), who won the special election for CA-36 earlier this month.

Turn Right USA's recent report to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) shows the group took in just $285 in July, a reporting period that covered the two-week period after the group released the controversial Internet video aimed at drawing attention to Hahn's supposed connections to 'hardcore gangsters.'

The group owes $5,792.12 to the political consulting company CampaignLA for the 'Internet Rap Video,' according to a report filed with the FEC. They owe the same organization $2,214.80 for 'organizational startup costs.'"