Behind the Scenes at the Colbert Report -- what doesn't make it on the show...

Very interesting post on @seanparnell's take on his Colbert interview.

Thoughts on Colbert » Blog » Center for Competitive Politics:
"Not included in the taped segment was an exchange early on regarding political scandals involving corporate money. Mr. Colbert asked me if I was aware of any, and I told him I wasn't, at least not offhand. He seemed a little incredulous, which perplexed me at first. Thinking about the most recent political scandals, there's not much evidence of corruption caused by corporate money spent on campaign contributions or other political expenditures. Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, William Jefferson, Jack Abramoff, Eric Massa, Elliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, Mark Foley, even stretching back to AbScam and AZScam, the past few decades of corruption and scandal in our political system has little to do with campaign money and even less to do with corporate money. But if someone believes, as most ‘reformers' do (and Mr. Colbert is a ‘reformer,' whatever the persona he adopts for his show) that money in politics is by definition corrupting, and corporate money is especially so, it's not difficult to imagine why he simply assumed the existence of significant corruption related to corporate political money."