Will the FEC Fumble the Fiesta Bowl Fiasco?

"Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against the Fiesta Bowl for violating campaign finance law by reimbursing Fiesta Bowl executives and their spouses for campaign contributions to Arizona politicians. Former Fiesta Bowl President and Chief Executive Officer John H. Junker was fired last week for his role in the scandal and the ensuing cover-up.

“The question here isn’t whether anyone broke the law -- independent investigators already found violations – it is whether the FEC will do anything about it,” said CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan. “When FEC Commissioner Donald McGahn openly brags about not enforcing the law, Americans can’t have confidence that even those who flagrantly and deliberately violate our campaign finance laws will be held accountable.”"
I love how every time they mention Don McGahn they have to bring up the "disgraced" Tom DeLay. Because they are pretty much the same person, right? I mean, if someone is a lawyer, they automatically take on all the misdeeds of their clients, right?