Super-Duper PACs? Mega-PAC? Which name do you like best?

The Republican Lawyer Blog:
"RADM James J. Carey, USN (ret), chairman of the National Defense PAC, along with the PAC and a prospective donor, brought suit after the FEC deadlocked on a 2010 Advisory Opinion Request (see AO 2010-20), in which the PAC sought permission to operate a 'Super-Duper' PAC, combining an independent expenditure-only PAC and PAC that makes direct contributions to candidates as a single entity for FEC purposes (if an independent expenditure-only PAC is a super PAC, what else would you call this new entity other than a Super-Duper PAC? A Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious PAC? Wikipedia suggests Mega-PAC, but that's just not as much fun.)"