Campaign finance ‘reformers’ not-so-curiously silent about gathering of wealthy political contributo

Center for Competitive Politics:
"Apparently this gathering has not drawn the same throngs of protesters as the earlier Koch gathering, however. Apparently there's a double standard at work, where money spent by wealthy Americans to support causes generally thought to be libertarian and conservative is somehow a threat to the Republic, while funds spent by wealthy people to promote messages considered liberal and progressive is given a pass.

In fact, this exact hypocrisy was demonstrated perfectly by ThinkProgress blogger Lee Fang (who plays the role of Inspector Javert when it comes to the Koch brothers), who when asked why ‘reformers' were alarmed over Koch money but not Soros' funding of liberal causes, Tweeted:

'don't you think there's a very serious difference between donors who help the poor vs. donors who fund people to kill government, taxes on rich?' (translated from original Tweet)."