Dick Cheney Goes Dark: A Family Network of (c)(4) Groups

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, on the other hand, has been more than willing to voice his displeasure with the Obama administration’s handling of challenges abroad. In 2009, not even a year into President Obama tenure, Dick Cheney accused him of “dithering” over sending more troops to Afghanistan, saying Obama “seems afraid” to make a decision. In 2012, Cheney called Obama “one of our weakest presidents.” And he’s back now — along with his daughter Liz and a host of other former Bush hands – to herald the “collapse of the Obama doctrine.” This time, though, he’s planted himself on the scene in a more permanent way. Dick and Liz Cheney announced in June the creation of a new 501(c)(4) social welfare group aimed at “reversing” president Obama’s foreign policy agenda. This new group, called the Alliance for a Strong America, is the latest in a long line of sometimes controversial nonprofits run by the Cheneys.

Source: Dick Cheney Goes Dark: A Family Network of (c)(4) Groups | OpenSecrets Blog