Candidates face off on Twitter
"The first-ever Twitter presidential debate on Wednesday afternoon was a chance for the six participating Republican candidates to showcase their differing levels of social media savvy.

Newt Gingrich, who has the biggest Twitter following in the field, began by tweeting out a special welcome video for the event. His campaign’s account put out a photo of Gingrich clad in a short-sleeved shirt, in front of his computer, to show that he’d be doing the tweeting himself. After 90 minutes of taking policy questions, Gingrich finished by announcing his second group video chat on Google’s new social network, Google +, where he promised to answer more questions.

Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann, though, appeared to have the greatest resonance. The strong digital following Cain’s built since entering the race gave him the most retweets, with more than 1,200. Bachmann received the most Twitter mentions during the debate, with just over 1,200 and also gained the most new followers — 619."