The Surprisingly Good News In The Supreme Court’s New Decision On The Arizona Campaign Finance Law -- Rick Hasen

The New Republic:
"In today’s Arizona opinion, however, the Court confirmed that Citizens United did not overturn the law related to contribution limits, finding these restrictions “less onerous” and to be upheld under a “lower level of scrutiny.” That’s important, because opponents of campaign finance laws such as conservative attorney Jim Bopp have been going around citing Citizens United in their attempts to get contribution limits struck down left and right. [Disclosure: I’m defending the City of San Diego’s campaign finance laws against a Bopp attack.] And a federal district court in Virginia recently held that Citizens United implicitly overturned the 100-year-old ban on direct corporate campaign contributions to candidates, a decision the government just appealed to the Fourth Circuit. Today’s language from the Supreme Court should solidify the constitutionality of contribution limit laws, at least for now."