Ninth Circuit Upholds Corporate Contribution Ban and Other San Diego Campaign Finance Restrictions
"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its opinion today in Thalheimer v. City of San Diego, affirming the district court’s decision not to preliminarily enjoin several challenged campaign finance restrictions of the City of San Diego. The Campaign Legal Center, together with Common Cause, filed an amici curiae brief with the Ninth Circuit supporting the City of San Diego.

The Ninth Circuit explained: “The district court considered the constitutionality of five provisions [of San Diego’s campaign finance laws] and generally upheld the City’s pure contribution limits, but enjoined a provision that restricts both the fundraising and spending of independent political committees.” The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision. The decision to enjoin the contribution limits as applied to independent expenditure committees is consistent with the D.C. Circuit’s decision in v. FEC and FEC rulings in this area."