How FEC Democrats Hold Regulatory Reform Hostage

The Weekly Standard:
"The FEC’s loudest critics—congressional Democrats, left-leaning interest groups supportive of campaign finance regulation and liberal editorial boards—say they want strict enforcement of “the law.” In reality, they lament that the FEC’s structure prevents the most extra-legal proposals from being implemented. They envy an odd-numbered agency, such as the Federal Communications Commission, that can muscle through a “Net Neutrality” rulemaking even after a federal circuit court tells them no.

The FEC’s three-three split, however, slows good proposals, as well. The question is always, “Who’s to blame?” Most of the recent criticism fingers the Republican-appointed members of the FEC for supposedly abdicating their duty to enforce campaign finance laws.

“I’ve never seen an FEC this bad before,” Public Citizen’s Craig Holman told Bloomberg News. “They’re just giving the green light to everyone saying, ‘We’re not going to enforce the laws; you can do whatever you want.’”"