House chooses to shun ACORN successors

House chooses to shun ACORN successors:
"U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, warned this week of the continuing danger that election fraud-prone ACORN poses to American democracy, and the House subsequently voted to cut off federal funding to the still-functioning group.

'ACORN is a corrupt criminal enterprise that threatens our democratic system of government by systematically committing voter registration fraud,' said King, a longtime ACORN critic. 'American taxpayers should not be asked to fund an organization that is dedicated to corrupting the sanctity of every American’s vote.'

Get the book that reveals the ongoing criminal enterprise known as ACORN. This book is so explosive, copies have been provided to all 535 members of the House and Senate in hopes of prompting further investigation of the subversive activity it exposes.

In the Thursday action, the House voted 231-188 to bar existing ACORN affiliates and its renamed successor groups from receiving funding under the $42.3 billion Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill for fiscal 2012 (H.R. 2017)."