Why Democrats Are Losing The Messaging War On Federal Contractor Disclosure

"The administration's draft executive order was first leaked to Hans von Spakovsky, a former Bush administration official whose nomination to the Federal Election Commission was scuttled by Democrats, who dubbed the administration's proposal an 'executive fiat' and published it on the conservative website of Pajamas Media.

Next up, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce weighed in, calling the proposal a 'backdoor attempt' to silence White House critics and vowing to 'fight it through all available means.'

The usual suspects lined up to back the measure: 30 various open government and political organizations wrote a letter to President Obama stating the order would 'keep in check actual or perceived corruption in government contracting.'

Congressional Republicans quickly followed, calling the proposed executive order a 'blatant attempt to intimidate, and potentially silence certain speakers who are engaged in their constitutionally protected right to free speech."