WANG: Public Citizen seeks silent citizens

Washington Times:
"Putting aside the raw numbers, some of the attitudes disclosed by both the survey respondents and author alike are quite revealing. For example, a not-insignificant number of staffers agreed with the statement that they 'worry about preventing electioneering expenditures against the member for whom I work.' When asked to elaborate, one respondent said, 'The concern that every decision we make that affects some large organization or corporation will end up contributing to [spending against us] is ever-present and totally demoralizing. This isn't how the system is supposed to work.'

All this begs the question: What is the alternative? How is the system 'supposed to work'? Would we prefer a system in which members of Congress can implement whatever laws they like, and those who are affected are not allowed to speak out? Would we prefer a system in which legislators operate in a Platonic vacuum, in which they simply divine whatever policies would benefit the 'public interest' based on their own superior impartial judgment?"