Top Palin Aide Mocks Bristol, Mitt Romney in Leaked Tweets

The Note:
"In one series of messages, Mansour belittles Palin’s eldest daughter, Bristol. Last July, After Bristol announced that she was planning to marry Levi Johnston, the father of her son, Mansour wrote, “I wish they were the Cleavers too. But it’s life.”

“Two words: Patti Davis. Okay three more: Ron Reagan Junior. Two more: Billy Carter. Doesn’t your family have one?,” Mansour wrote. “She (meaning Palin, presumably) will hold her at arm’s length. Even Thatcher was never able to disown her screw up son Mark. It’s a Mom thing.”

Contacted about the messages by The Daily Caller, Mansour said she was trying to “calm down” a Palin supporter and that the messages were her opinions, not those of the former Alaska governor. Mansour and other Palin aides did not immediately respond to ABC News’ requests for comment.

In addition to mocking Bristol, Mansour reveals her true feelings about several people in Palin’s orbit. In one message, she called 2012 Republican presidential contender Mitt Romeny’s supporters “wacky as hell” and wrote “Would love to tell Mitt’s lackeys to stop backstabbing my boss anonymously.”"