Tax activist Grover Norquist in town to meet with GOP

Capitol Alert:
"As legislative committees began dissecting Gov. Jerry Brown's budget proposal Tuesday, tax-pledge activist Grover Norquist is in Sacramento to bolster Republican opposition to the governor's tax plan.

Norquist is president of Washington, D.C.-based Americans for Tax Reform, which is trying to hold state GOP lawmakers to a no-new-tax pledge that most signed during their campaigns. He opposes Brown's budget plan and has said placing taxes on the ballot would violate his group's pledge.

Norquist met this morning with Senate Republican Leader Bob Dutton, R-Rancho Cucamonga, according to Dutton spokeswoman Jann Taber. He is also scheduled to appear this evening at a wine and cheese reception hosted by the 'Taxpayers Caucus,' which formed in February to oppose Brown's tax proposals."