Sarah Palin's bus tour makes presidential politics fun again

Sarah Palin's bus tour makes presidential politics fun again:
"And for that, perhaps we should thank Sarah Palin. The funny thing is, the unconventional atmosphere of this bus tour, with its official lack of access and official lack of purpose, has yielded some interesting unscripted moments. We have little Piper Palin tugging on her mom’s arm during that impromptu Q&A, saying, “Mom, let’s go.” We have Todd, surrounded by reporters at that coffee shop in Dillsburg, calling the presidential race “a long ways away” (not really), and saying that he thinks the family has been tested and is ready, if his wife gives the go-ahead. It isn't up to him, he says. We have Sarah’s mom Sally offering a reporter a taste of her strawberry milkshake. We have Palin actually talking policy, a little, saying she’s against energy subsidies. And we have yet another glimpse of how the former Republican vice-presidential nominee might run a campaign, on her terms this time – embracing spontaneity, making last-minute decisions herself, keeping all but those closest to her in the dark."