Pat Buchanan bets on a Romney-Bachmann finish in Iowa

The Daily Caller:
“I do think [Bachmann] can win Iowa if she’s the only one out there,” he said. “Except she’s going to be competing with Santorum, but if she were the only one out there, she’s got an awful lot of tickets. She’s got the Evangelical Christian. She’s populist. She’s an attractive woman. She’s exciting. Obviously I think she bumps her head. A lot of people feel she is not quite presidential. They have the same problem with her they have with Sarah Palin, that while she’s exciting and one of us and terrific that she’s not presidential.”

And with that Buchanan likes her odds against a likely better-funded Mitt Romney.

“But can she win the Iowa Caucuses?” he said. “I think yes, if it’s split up a lot of ways. I would bet right now if I had to, if they both got in – I would bet on a Romney-Bachmann finish in the Iowa Caucuses."