"We need an accomplished business leader with established bona fides in crisis management; a leader with the acumen to dismantle destructive regulatory policies, provide a freer environment for businesses to prosper, and work productively with the impressive young turks in Congress valiantly struggling to wield the big knife.
And, yes- Christie, Daniels, Barbour, Bachmann, Ryan, Rubio, West, Pawlenty and Perry are special and talented and capable administrators, but it is critical to the survival of the country that they maintain control of their individual jurisdictions. Their jobs are important and they, at this juncture in history, are not immediately replaceable.
Plus- no small thing- a Romney presidency would gift us with the lovely Ann as America's First Lady; a true lady, who has always liked her country and would never torment us for ordering the fries."
Elizabeth Dunn: Ann Romney for First Lady