In New Mexico: Is voter fraud an issue, or is it competence?

The Santa Fe New Mexican:
"Secretary Duran announced last week that our state's voter rolls are inflated with tens of thousands of inactive voters whose names should have been purged — but might not have been: The federal Voting Rights Act requires the Secretary of State's Office to compare Postal Service change-of-address listings with voter rolls to see whose addresses don't match. Then the secretary is charged with sending notices to those out-of-sync voters.

Duran says such notices weren't sent; Herrera disputes that, and wonders aloud how Duran would know how many of those voters bothered confirming their addresses. One way or another, there've been delays in purging voter rolls, and inconsistencies are likely to remain through next year's elections, unless Duran and new Elections Director Bobbi Shearer can work things out with the federal Justice Department."