Senate Omnibus Bill intended to terminate the Election Assistance Commission (EAC)

Election Law Center:
"The recent Senate Omnibus Spending Bill pulled last night by Harry Reid intended to permanently dissolve the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and terminate all Requirements payments to States. This move reflects the growing disenchantment of the agency in the Congress and with the National Association of Secretaries of States (NASS). In July of 2010, NASS, the organization of chief election officials across the country, openly encouraged the Congress not to give the EAC rule-making authority and lobbied not to reauthorize or fund the EAC. While this defunding and termination of the EAC was found in the latest Senate Omnibus Spending Bill, the U.S. House of Representatives is also considering ending, at a minimum, their requirements payments authority. In the past number of years, the Committee on House Administration has also had a multitude of oversight issues with the dysfunctional federal agency and may quickly join the chorus of critics to defund the agency. "