Opinion: Things the liberal chattering class got wrong

Washington Post:
"As 2010 draws to a close, the list of items going down the memory hole -- the place reserved for mistakes by liberal elites -- is long. Before they are gone for good, let's recount a few.

'The public will learn to love ObamaCare.' The voters never have, and it remains more than a policy nightmare, with soaring costs and unintended consequences strewn about, a rallying cry for fiscal conservatives. It was a unifying force, but unfortunately for Democrats, it was the independents and conservatives who were bound together in common dislike of a massive new entitlement program.

'Republicans can't win because they are unpopular.' In myriad formulations, liberal pundits and activists trotted out that line. It turns out what matters in a midterm election is how popular -- and successful -- the incumbent party is."