Citizens United: Defining moments at the Court in 2010

The National Law Journal:
"In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama scolded the Court for its Citizens United decision the week before. Democratic members of Congress stood and applauded, glaring at the justices who sat expressionless — except for Justice Samuel Alito Jr., who mouthed the words 'not true' as he gave the silent headshake heard 'round the world.

Not since Franklin Delano Roosevelt dinged the judiciary in his 1937 run-up to the court-packing plan had a president criticized the Court in such a high-profile forum. The three branches of government, accustomed to insulting each other from afar in written briefs and opinions, were suddenly duking it out in person. The episode framed the Court's entire year, even overshadowing the departure of Justice John Paul Stevens and the confirmation of Elena Kagan to replace him.

...But even if that is the impression the decision left on the public, will it stick? A populace that can't name more than one or two justices can't be expected to retain the details of a complex campaign-finance decision."