Alaska Supreme Court Rejects Miller Appeal, Says Certification Can Go Forward -- Miller is "weighing options"

Lisa MurkowskiImage via Wikipedia
Rick Hasen explains on his Election Law Blog:
"In a unanimous, unsigned (per curiam) opinion, the Alaska Supreme Court said that nothing blocked the state of Alaska from certifying the U.S. Senate race for Lisa Murkowski. Though the court left open the possibility that Miller could follow up with an election challenge after certification, the court was very discouraging of such a challenge, suggesting that Miller would likely lose such a challenge. At this point, a rational politician hoping for a future in Alaska politics would throw in the towel rather than contesting these results in federal court, in state court after certification, or in the U.S. Senate."

Opinion is here.

Miller's team is "reviewing the court's ruling and will be weighing our options." (Wall Street Journal)